Sunday, January 20, 2008

Gruly's WoW Profession Guide| Making money with Mining.

In WoW there are a ton of different ways to make gold. A nice one is Professions, specifically mining. From mining you know you can get ore, make bars, craft stones and find jewels. You dont need those, so you just sell it to a vendor. That is a waste!!! You probably know there is a auction house in all major cities except Shattrath. Well, you can buy good stuff off it, and sell stuff on it. From selling ore you can make good money. Although prices vary on different servers. In WoW I make my gold from mining. When you sell those ore, bars, stones, and jewels, try to make them in a full stack. For Example, you can have 20 bars, they will sell more then 10 bars. From mining medium level ores I made over 75g in under 3 hours!!! So when your working on professions, sell the stuff you dont need! This is how to make great money in WoW with Professions!